印尼自稱全球最大蝦生產國 印尼海洋事務暨漁業部規劃將現有40萬公噸的蝦年產量,於2014年達成提升74.75%為69.9萬公噸(白蝦50萬公噸及草蝦19.9萬公噸)的目面膜標。印尼去年水產品總出口881,413公噸中就有24萬公噸(27.29%)的蝦,產值高達15.8億美元。該部部長Fadel Muhammad冀望,近日由總統Susilo宣布在巴里島成立的貸款蝦苗繁殖中心,解決大多從夏威夷及佛羅里達進口蝦苗(單價高達35-40美元)的問題,順利提高蝦產量。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 23/2010)INDONESIA 票貼TARGETS TO BE THE WORLD’S BIGGEST SHRIMP PRODUCERThe Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry projects shrimp production to increase by 74.75%and 烤肉食材reach 699,000 MT by 2014, comprising 500,000 MT of vannamei (Litopenaeus vannamei)and 199,000 MT of black tiger (Penaeus monodon) shrimp. 買屋Currently, Indonesia is only able toproduce 400,000 MT of shrimp a year and exported 240,000 MT or 27.29% from the total fishexports of 881,413 貸款MT last year valued at US$1.58 billion.However, according to the Marine Affairs and Fisheries Minister Fadel Muhammad, efforts toimprove 景觀設計production have been hindered by the limited availability of broodstocks, which aremostly imported from Hawaii and Florida. To meet the 整合負債broodstocks demand, the governmenthas established a broodstock shrimp center in Bali. The center was recently launched byPresident Susilo Bambang 酒店兼職Yudoyono. Imported broodstock cost US$35 to 40 per piece.

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